The idiomatic expression could absolutely help you out to understand deeply what others might say. It is usually used by the people who are good at the English language.
In this blog, try to read the following idioms about the face. Learn from them and use them for your conversation along the way.
Armed to the teeth.
* heavily armed with deadly weapons.
Bad hair day.
* a day when everything seems to go wrong.
Be all ears.
* using our both ears to listen to someone.
By the sweat of your brow.
* by your own hard work, typically manual labor.
Cry your eyes out.
* to cry very hard.
Get in someone’s hair.
* to annoy somebody by preventing them from doing something.
Hang by a hair.
* be in a very uncertain situation.
It is time to face the music.
* to accept responsibility for a bad action.
Make chin music.
* to talk or chatter.
My lips are sealed.
* to tell no one this secret or this gossip.
Pay through the nose.
* to pay too much money for something.
Play it by ear.
* to act spontaneously and according to the situation.
They slammed the door in his face.
* to suddenly withdraw an opportunity.
Turn a blind eye.
* to ignore something and pretend you do not see it.
Turn the other cheek.
* to accept mistreatment without retaliating or seeking revenge.
Turn up one’s nose.
* to behave disdainfully towards something.
Wag one’s chin.
* to talk or jabber; to chatter aimlessly.
Not only face idioms you will learn from our blog but also the cultures of our students from different countries of the world.
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