Genius_english_anniversary_poster          Genius English Proficiency Academy will celebrate their 3rd year anniversary this coming May 21, 2016. As giving thanks up heaven above for the bountiful blessings He bestowed to the academy.

            Weeks before the anniversary, Genius English production team together with the teachers and staffs, do lots of preparation for the technical set, production, decorations and foods. They were helping hand in hand to make this special event possible.

           On the other hand, everyone is excited! Genius English students, staffs and teachers are starting to prepare their magical dresses and suits to wear  for the special event. Wow Magical! So it will be a shimmering, splendid night!? Phewww.  Exciteeeeeeeeedddddddddddd. I am excited to see all of them wearing their dresses and suits 🙂 Don’t you? 🙂

In addition to that, Genius English prepares and will give prizes on that day. A-huh Prizes?Hmmm, that’s secret as of now. 🙂 That will be revealed on the part2 of this post. 🙂 Stay tuned!


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Skype ID: geniusenglishacademy

Genius English Proficiency Academy

Study and Have Fun. Blog.studyenglishgenius is an English language blog belongs to Genius English Proficiency Academy a language school offers courses that will help you to enhancce more your English skills in a fun way . The blog contains the indoor and outdoor school activities, Student's achievements and English language related article. See more to read.


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