It’s a wonderful day to celebrate the American Day at Genius English Proficiency Academy. It was hosted by our native teacher from Los, Angeles, California, teacher Lucas. He explained to the audience a lot of information about the country especially the significance of the American flag. He also explains thoroughly about the hamburger which is one of the most popular foods in the country.

America is also known for the famous cola. Unlike here in the Philippines, the cola is sweeter than there in America because they use corn syrup to make it sweet instead of sugar.

Aside from the informative discussion, he prepared some games for the students. They played the hanging-doughnut game which they ate without touching their hands. The first person who could finish eating the doughnut will be the winner. Every winner had a prize (American-made products).

The celebration was joyful and full of fun. Congratulations for your participation in every game guys! May you learned a lot about one of the most powerful countries in the world, the United States of America.



United States Flag

– The American flag was designed by a 17-year-old high school kid as a school project in 1958.

Smallest State of USA

– The Rhode Island is the smallest U.S. state with an area of only 1, 545 square miles (4, 002 sq km). It is also known as “The Ocean State.”

River of USA

– The Missouri River is the longest river in the United States. It stretches for 2,341 miles.

largest mountain of USA

– The tallest mountain in the United States is the Mount McKinley, in Alaska. It measures approximately 6, 194 meters (20, 320 ft).

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Thank you so much to all of you for attending this nationality day! See you next American day! πŸ™‚

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