When we say technology, the things that will come up into our minds are computers, robots, factory machines, mobile phones, internet, etc. The development of today’s technology is really fast. For an instance, when there are new gadgets for this year, in the next year, there will be new gadgets again. That’s how people think nowadays, very quick. Even though it is very hard to imagine those stuff are impossible to make.

The answer is…it depends. Why? If the students are responsible for using the various type of gadgets today, there will be no problem with them. Just like if they are doing the assignments, projects, and any reports for studies, they can browse the internet for the information that they are looking for. On the internet, there is a lot of tutorials and specific answers to all the questions that spinning around on students’ minds. In connection to that, many entrepreneurs and ordinary civilians benefiting through this modern technology.

Each one of us has a responsibility to use appropriately the technology today. We cannot deny the fact that today’s technology helps a lot to the multitude all around the world. It contributes the stability and progress of businesses, education, healthcare, crime investigations, experimentations, and the like.

Here at Genius English, by helping the students to learn more about the English language, there is a clean and quiet study area for them. By means of technology, there is also a wifi connection where they can search and watch some videos for the lessons and assignments they have. By doing so, they absolutely learn more and see their selves improving in their studies.

The technology can be bad or good to some of us, it is something to do with the “choice” on how to use and play with it.


For more information and inquiries:

Website: www.studyenglishgenius.com
Russian website: www.studyenglishgenius.com/ru/
E-mail: info@studyenglishgenius.com
Skype ID: geniusenglishacademy
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/geniusenglish/


images source: www.google.com
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