ESL Philippines

Now, let’s take a look and dig some information about the Philippines. Just like the other countries in Asia and all over the world, the Philippines has many national symbols. For an instance, in Vietnam, their national flower is “red lotus.” The country also has its national flower. Some of the symbols are not officially declared yet but they are the most commonly used symbols in the country.

Here are some of the official and unofficial national symbols in the Philippines.


Study in the Philippines-12
National Flag

This flag is composed of colors (blue, scarlet, white, and golden-yellow). It is a horizontal-shape flag with 3 stars and the sun. The three stars represent the main islands of the country — Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The eight rays of the sun represent the eight first provinces (Manila, Cavite, Batangas, Bulacan, Laguna, Pampanga, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija).

The school in different levels especially in Elementary and Secondary levels are always performing the flag ceremony. The flag will be raised at the flagpole while all people surround on the flag sing the Philippine National Anthem.

When the country is at war, it will be reversed to display where the red one is on top.

Legal Basis:

Proclamation of President Emilio Aguinaldo

Reaffirmed by Republic Act No. 8491


Study in the Philippines-1
National Anthem: > Lupang Hinirang

This beautiful song was composed by Julian Felipe and entitled “Lupang Hinirang” which means in the English language “Chosen Land.” On June 12, 1898, the anthem was first played during the proclamation of the Philippine Independence.

Legal Basis:

Reaffirmed by Republic Act No. 8491

Study in the Philippines-13
National Language: > Filipino

In the Philippines, there are many languages and dialects spoken by different people all over the country. The Filipino is designated as the official and widely spoken language in the Philippines.

Legal Basis:

Article XIV, Sec. 6 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines


Study in the Philippines-7
National Hero: > Dr. Jose Rizal

There are many heroes in the Philippines, but Dr. Jose Rizal was recognized as the national hero. He is very known for his courage, writings, talents, and brilliant mind. He was also recognized as a genius.

The Filipino people are also very thankful and express their gratitude to all the heroes who died for the country just to have a freedom from the hands of the conquerors.


Study in the Philippines-2
National Bird: > Philippine Eagle

The Philippine eagle is also known as the monkey-eating eagle. It is the most powerful bird in the country. It measures 86 to 102 cm in length and weighs 4.7 to 8.0 kg.

Legal Basis:

Proclamation No. 615


Study in the Philippines
National Animal: > Carabao

This awesome animal is also known as the farmer’s best friend. It helps to farmers for their livelihood as their carrier and can do a lot of tasks in the rice fields. This animal likes swamp very much and can carry heavy materials and harvests.

The carabao helps not only the farmers’ families but also the people of the society because of its effect in agriculture to contribute such crops in the markets until today.


Study in the Philippines-3
National Fish: > Bangus

The Bangus or milkfish is a scaly and bony-type of fish which is popular in the Philippines. It can grow to 1.80 m but are most often no more than 1 m in length. The fish can reach at the age of 15 years and can reach the weight of 14 kilograms.


Study in the Philippines-11

National Tree: > Narra

The Narra tree is known for its strength and durability. Its wood is hard and heavy and it is good as furniture.

By cutting such tree, a person needs an approval by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

Legal Basis:

Executive Proclamation No. 652


Study in the Philippines-4
National Flower: > Sampaguita

The Sampaguita flower symbolizes purity, simplicity, and humility in the Philippines. It is also known as the Arabian Jasmine. Its flower has a sweet fragrance. That is why some Filipinos make them as necklace or ornament and sell on the street especially in some areas of the National Capital Region of the Philippines.

Legal Basis:
Executive Proclamation No. 652


Study in the Philippines-9
National Leaf: > Anahaw

The Anahaw leaf is known for its round-shape leaf just like a fan. Its leaf is used as an award of an achievement before, a wrapper of the food, umbrella, and fan during hot days.


Study in the Philippines-5

National Fruit: > Mango

A mango is also known as the golden fruit of the Philippines. It is very sweet and nutritious just like the other fruits.

There are different varieties of mangoes in the country. You can find also one of the sweetest mangoes in the world here in the Philippines.


Study in the Philippines-10
National Sport: > Arnis

The arnis is a self-defense sport or known as the Filipino fighting arts. It uses the primary weapon which is the rattan stick or also known as baston (baton). It usually measures about 28 inches in length.

Legal Basis:

Republic Act No. 9850


Study in the Philippines-6
National Gem: > Philippine Pearl

The Philippines is one of the archipelago nations in the world. It is also known as the “Pearl of the Orient Seas.” It is rich in biodiversity and abundance in so-called “pearls.”

The Philippine Pearl or also known as South Sea Pearl is the national gem of the country. It is mostly seen inside the oyster shell. It has different colors like white, silver, champagne, gold.

Legal Basis:

Proclamation No. 905


Study in the Philippines-8
National House: > Bahay Kubo

The Bahay Kubo is the traditional Filipino house. It is made of Nipa leaves for the roof and bamboos for the walls and floor. It can easily repair and build when it is destroyed by the typhoon. It is very nice to live in for it is cold especially at the night time.

This native and simple house is still existing especially in the mountainous provinces in the country.

Do you want some information about the Philippines? Study with us and explore the beauty of this lovely country and meet new friends from all over the world. At Genius English Proficiency Academy, you will learn the English language well and enjoy the nature either in the land or water.


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